Volume : VIII, Issue : IX, September - 2018


Dr. Sumathi Ravikumar, Dr. W. Edwina Vasantha

Abstract :


Post thyroidectomy complications is a common condition which surgeons encounter in the outpatient room”. Injury to the nerves,parathyroids,and surrounding structures are all at risk of injury during thyroidectomy.This is an interesting study which assess the techniques adapted in doing thyroidectomy and the complications seen with them.

Knowing the incidence of complications in any surgical procedure helps us in 2 ways.

1. “Enables us to inform the patient about their queries”.

2. “Evaluate our performances especially when there are established norms on the extent of complications”.

The aims and objectives are:

1. To know the incidence of complications in thyroidectomy  in KAPV Government medical college ,Trichirapalli

2. To identity the relation between the type of procedure and the risk of complication.

3. Analyse the preventive measures

4. Gender incidence.

5. Age Incidence.

The main effects of hypocalcemia are on the neurons and cardiac muscles



This is a prospective study done from JUNE 2015 to JUNE 2017. Total number of 54 patients was

included in the study.. Patients excludedwere with previous thyroid surgery,.The patients were analysed according to the clinical types of thyromegaly,age and gender,techniques of thyroid surgery.



It is surprising to note that the transient  hypocalcemia is the most common complication

(27.7%),“ .It is slightly above the figure suggested by Bailey and Love (25%)”Permenant hypoparathyroidism occurs in 2%of the cases.The technique of medial ligation of inferior thyroid anches have paid off. Since it  was not practiced in all cases, incidence of hypocalcemia may be further

lowered  by insisting the technique in all cases.“The incidence of RLN paralysis is 3.7%. Permanent palsy was within 1.8%.”It  was a bilateral injury to RLN. But still the patient managed to do without tracheostomy. Probably due to partial paralysis. “The incidence quoted in the literature 1–2%”.

Superior laryngeal palsy was not found to be injured. This may reflect its subtleness in manifestation.Use of USG in all MNG routinely may help reduce the incidence of thyroiditis being operated.




 Following the study certain conclusion have been reached that most of the disease is in the age group of 20–40 years & more common in females with an overall incidence of hypocalcemia is (15/54) 27.7%.All of them are transient and none is permanent.Incidene of hypocalcemia is more in more extensive surgery. Highest incidence occurred following TotalThyroidectomy,Overall incidence of haemorrage is (7/54) 12.9%.“Two cases of cord paralysis was seen. The overall incidence of recurrent laryngeal

Nerve .palsy is 3.7%”. “Of this only 1 showed permanent paralysis inging the incidence of permanent “RLN paralysis to 1.8%”.Cord edema is supposed to be due to endotracheal intubation and it settled with

steroids. “The incidence of permanent recurrent laryngeal nerve injury and hypocalcemia are within the acceptable limits in this prospective study.”“Incidence of wound infection in zero.”


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Dr. Sumathi Ravikumar, Dr. W. Edwina Vasantha, A STUDY OF INCIDENCE OF COMPLICATIONS IN THYROID SURGERY, INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume-8 | Issue-9 | September-2018

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