Volume : VI, Issue : XII, December - 2016

A Study of IHRM Practices Affecting Expatriate Satisfaction in IT Sector

Mrs. Vibha Sharma, Dr. Mitu G. Matta

Abstract :

 Expatriate employees are one of the key success enablers for any global IT organization. Hence having a strong and encouraging Expatriate policies and practices is critical for any IT organization. As there are so many changes taking place in world economy it is very difficult to maintain the satisfaction level among expatriates. In the light of this the objective of the study is to analyse what are the various determinants and factors of IHRM in designing the policies and practices of expatriate. So that expatriate are overall satisfied and stay with the firm. It is also worth analyzing what changes have occurred in these strategies in the light of recent global economic crisis that our world is experiencing. ABSTRACT

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Mrs. Vibha Sharma, Dr. Mitu G. Matta, A Study of IHRM Practices Affecting Expatriate Satisfaction in IT Sector, Indian Journal of Applied Research,Volume : 6 | Issue : 12 | December 2016

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