Volume : V, Issue : XII, December - 2015


Dr. Amit J Asari, Dr. R. N. Solanki, Dr. Ameet H.

Abstract :

Slow or incomplete resolution of pneumonia despite adequate antibiotic treatment is a common clinical problem estimated to be responsible for approximately 15 percent of inpatient pulmonary consultations & 8 percent of onchoscopies. Fiber optic onchoscopy (FOB) has been traditionally used to evaluate non resolving pneumonia.This study aimed to access the patients of non–resolving or slowly resolving pneumonia with special emphasis on comparison of efficacy of BAL through FOB and Sputum C/S for pyogenic organism in diagnosis. Present study is a Retrospective, observational study conducted in a tertiary care institute over a period of one year. After fulfilling the definitions of non–resolving pneumonia by clinical and radiological parameters, patient were evaluated by FOB with relevant microbiological, cytological, histopathological investigations was sent. Thirty Four patients were enrolled in the study mean age was 40–50 years with male to female ratio 2:1. Right lung was more commonly involved (60%), and right upper lobe was the commonest site (30%). Pyogenic infection was the commonest etiology (55.88 %) onchogenic carcinoma (23.52%) and tuberculosis accounted for (17.64 %) cases. Highest incidence of lung cancer seen in labourer accounts for 50% cases, farmers 32.35% of cases. FOB is (87%) useful for etiological diagnosis of non–resolving pneumonia. Procedures were safe and no major complication was observed. Because of the high yield of FOB. It is very useful and safe diagnostic tool for evaluation of non–resolving pneumonia. Routine flexible onchoscopy technique continues to have a high diagnostic yield in current clinical practice in common lung conditions like pneumonia , pulmonary tuberculosis and lung cancer .

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Dr. Amit J Asari, Dr. R. N.Solanki, Dr. Ameet H. A Study of Fiberoptic Broncoscopy in Nonresolving Pneumonia Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.5, Issue : 12 December 2015

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