Volume : III, Issue : XI, November - 2013

A Study of Factors Influencing Teacher�s Stress Among the School Teachers

Dr. B. Yella Reddy, Dr. T. I. Nagarjuna, Dr. M. Sateeshnadha Reddy

Abstract :

Stress, burnout and coping researches have been confining for years to clinical areas, and the terms have acquired negative connotations, with which the inflicted struggled in a bid to find relief, and in the process depleted and/or exhausted the resources under their control. This indicates an unquestionable acceptance of the underlying assumption of persons going through the stressful experiences, having no control/volition or an alternative path out, and thus the need of therapy. The common experience as well as the evidence from research does not validate it. There neither is adequate logical ground to argue and suggest that all types of stress are necessarily negative and unhealthy for ones functioning, nor are the stress and burnout equivalents. A distinction been made in the literature between positive and negative stress, and between stress and burnout. Positive stress called eustress, and negative stress labelled distress. In fact, the positive affect has not been entirely neglected in the classical models of stress either.  

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Dr. B. Yella Reddy, Dr. T. I. Nagarjuna, Dr. M. Sateeshnadha Reddy / A Study of Factors Influencing Teacher�s Stress Among the School Teachers / Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.3, Issue.11 November 2013

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