Volume : VII, Issue : XI, November - 2017

A study of Emergence Agitation in Pediatric Patients under General Anesthesia

Dr. Trupti Yergude, Dr. L. F. Vali

Abstract :


Postanesthetic emergence agitation is a common problem in pediatric postanesthetic care unit with an incidence ranging from 10 to 80%. This study was done to determine the prevalence of emergence agitation and associated risk factors in pediatric patients who underwent general anesthesia.


This cross–sectional descriptive and analytic study was performed on 747 pediatric patients aged 3– 7 years that underwent general anesthesia for various elective surgeries at a tertiary hospital in Central India between January 2016 and June 2017.

Results: One hundred thirty–four (17.9%) children had emergence agitation. The most frequent surgical procedures were ENT surgical procedures 315 (42.2%), abdominal surgery 177 (23.7%), orthopedic surgery 137 (18.3%), urology 97 (13%) and ophthalmic surgery 24 (3.2%). Otorhinolaryngological surgical procedures (P=0.001), pain (P<0.05) and induction behavior of children (P<0.005) were associated with higher rates of post anesthetic emergence agitation (P=0.001).

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Dr. Trupti Yergude, Dr. L. F. Vali, A study of Emergence Agitation in Pediatric Patients under General Anesthesia, INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume-7 | Issue-11 | November-2017

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