Volume : VII, Issue : VI, June - 2017

A study of effective Digital marketing strategies in Retail

R. Suresh Babu

Abstract :

 Digital Marketing is a wide area in today’s digital era, Selecting the optimum solution to your business need requires a lot of time and money. If we go with normal idea without analysing the requirement and targeted customers, results in too much cost and time. And the solution will be a general one which may not be an optimum solution to your business. The idea of digital marketing is to generate good business, keep the customer, in touch, a better customer interaction, good customer service, offers and advertisements, timely feedback for improvement and should be a cost effective solution with ROI calculations to suit your business. To suit best solution, it’s better to understand the product or service, targeted clients, expectations, reach and purpose. Trying all the methods of Digital marketing is commonly done by almost all organisations, but promoting the optimum method to get the result achieved is art in todays net. Focusing on the solutions to suit the ROI is the art. Digital marketing was in existence since 1971 when emailing was started. Now email is a part of our digital life. Apart from email the latest digital marketing advanced with web sites, social marketing, social media marketing, Mobile apps, Internet Advertising, search engine optimization.  The type of digital marketing is adapted as per the application and targeted clients. Mobile apps have a personal touch to most of know Groups or interested clients and same gives a negative effect for unknown. This creates a very low value on digital marketing when not having a clear implementation plan.

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R.Suresh Babu, A study of effective Digital marketing strategies in Retail, INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume‾7 | Issue‾6 | June‾2017

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