Volume : IV, Issue : X, October - 2014

A Study of Corporate Governance Practices of Corporate Sector in India


Abstract :

Competition is multiplying every day and that has given birth to number of good or bad aspects. Some want to survive in cutthroat competition by applying unethical practices, while some wants to enjoy healthy competition through ethical and transparent activities. Good governance is the expectations of every stakeholder, specially, shareholder. But the implementation of ‘Corporate Governance’ is not that much simple as its meaning. It is very wide subject and it includes lot of discussion. Corporate governance is the practice which requires transparency, accountability and good performance from the corporate executives. It has its strong base from the internal management of company to the shareholders’ value as well as corporate social responsibility. Reasons for selecting corporate level units which are functioning in India for this research is to find out whether corporate governance is actually being practiced by the corporate level executives or not.

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Komal A Study of Corporate Governance Practices of Corporate Sector in India Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.4, Issue : 10 October 2014

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