Volume : IV, Issue : I, January - 2014

A Study of Consumer Attitude and Awareness towards Green Marketing and Green Branding

Sangeeta Gupta, Shallu, Mansi Kapoor

Abstract :

Green marketing is a phenomenon which has gained momentum in the modern world and has emerged as an important concept in India along with the developed nations, and is seen as an important strategy of facilitating sustainable development with the scope of improvement in production processes. Some firms have been fast to accept the newer challenges or changes like environmental management, minimization of the waste aligning with organizational activities. To be successful in applying green marketing strategy, it should not forget attitude of consumers towards green marketing. A questionnaire was developed and distributed to consumers to get their response. The technique used is convenience sampling. The sample consists of 180 respondents. The paper describes the current Scenario of Indian market and explores the challenges and opportunities businesses have with green marketing. The outcome of this paper may trigger the minds of marketer to give a thought for adopting the suitable strategies which will give them a way to overcome major problems associated with regular marketing techniques and make a shift to green marketing. Eventually the marketers can save a lot on overhead costs and associated entities in the market. Keeping this thing in mind this paper is an attempt to understand awakeness of consumers’ towards green marketing and green anding along with exploring the concept of green marketing.

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Sangeeta Gupta, Shallu, Mansi Kapoor A Study of Consumer Attitude and Awareness towards Green Marketing and Green Branding Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.IV, Issue. I

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