Volume : IV, Issue : III, March - 2014

A study about Foreign Direct Investment in Retail Sector in China

R. Dhanya, Dr. S. Ramachandran

Abstract :

The word “Foreign Direct Investment (FDI)”, where the foreign funds are injected into an enterprise in different country of origin of the investor is gaining its momentum globally. There were many questions and speculations in minds of many related to this. It makes people to fear first than to analyse the impact it will ing on the developing country. In this article we are going to discuss about the Foreign Direct Investment in China related to retail sector and how the Chinese were able to sustain their own retail markets by the induction of FDI in their country?

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R. Dhanya, Dr. S. Ramachandran A study about Foreign Direct Investment in Retail Sector in China Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.IV, Issue. III

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