Volume : VI, Issue : X, October - 2016

A STITCH IN TIME SAVES NINE” (Significance of Timely Orthodontic Intervention)

Bhavna Singh, Vijav Bahadur Singh

Abstract :

 Dental problems like early shedding of milk teeth, delayed erruption of prmanent teeth, altered growth patterns etc if lft untreated, can often result in developnent of full fledged malocclusion requiring extensive orthodontic tretament at a later age. The purpose of this paper is to examplify one such case wherin timely intervention in a developing Class II div 1 patient gave excellent growth correction in a short time of treatment, saving from more extensive treatment later.

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Bhavna Singh, Vijav Bahadur Singh A STITCH IN TIME SAVES NINE� (Significance of Timely Orthodontic Intervention) Indian Journal of Applied Research,Volume : 6 | Issue : 10 | October 2016

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