Volume : VI, Issue : IV, April - 2016

A Standard Program to Classify Books/Documents according to Colon Scheme of Classification Ed. 6. Using PHP Environment

Saiyed Faieem Ali, Dr. Umesh Kumar Agarwal

Abstract :

 Classification is a procedure which ings like things or objects together and separates unlike ones ,a classifier identifies books in a specific discipline by title and subject, and choose a specific and unique class number to the particular book/document according to classification scheme. Liary Classification is the translation of the name of the subject of a book into preferred artificial language of ordinal numbers This standard has been prepared for convenience of all classifiers, in order to facilitate the use of classification scheme an attempt has been made towards making an on–line application .With the help of this on–line application a user can easily access[URL: http://www.colonclassification.com] to prepare the class number according to colon scheme of classification Ed. no. 6. Looking towards the need for standardization and globalization, this application has been made using PHP programming platform so as to make easy access to the on–line users anywhere from the world. Number of options have been put in the application for customizing the reports of user. The purpose for making this program is to utilization of colon scheme of classification in web environment. This standard program developed using PHP environment is useful for generating class number of documents automatically in on–line environment.PHP, which stands for "PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor" is a widely–used Open Source general–purpose scripting language that is especially suitable for Web development .This work will be a stepping stone for making a revolutionary application to help the mankind in many ways for book number generators and call number generators, etc.

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Saiyed Faieem Ali, Dr. Umesh Kumar Agarwal A Standard Program to Classify Books/Documents according to Colon Scheme of Classification Ed. 6. Using PHP Environment Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.6, Issue : 3 March 2016

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