Volume : IV, Issue : VIII, August - 2014

A Simulation Based Study to Enhance Productivity by Forming Virtual Cells in a Job Shop

S. Sathiya Narayanan

Abstract :

In this competitive environment, the existing layout configurations in industries struggle to meet the fluctuations in demand and hence there is a need for implementing suitable layouts (Flexible and Reconfigurable) for appropriate. The flexibility and reconfigurability can overcome the cost incurred in redesigning the layout for changes in production requirements and can meet the demand fluctuations. When the demand of part mix varies in a dynamic manner, the existing layout’s underperform where virtual cellular layouts can perform better. So in my work, with addition of part mix variations, different layouts are studied and simulated using Witness 2006. The performance measures are compared and a suitable layout is suggested to accommodate fluctuations in demand and mix

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S.Sathiya Narayanan A Simulation Based Study to Enhance Productivity by Forming Virtual Cells in a Job Shop Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.4, Issue.8 August 2014

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