Volume : VII, Issue : VII, July - 2017

A Simple and Economic Synthesis of 5–(aminomethyl)–4–(substituted phenyl)–6–methyl–3,4–dihydropyrimidin–2(1H)–ones.

Rohinee R. Dharamkar, Dr. Y. K. Meshram

Abstract :

 A Simple and Economic Synthesis of 5–(aminomethyl)–4–(substituted  phenyl),6–methyl, 3,4–dihydropyrimidin–2(1H)–ones   by using  5–amido–4–(substituted phenyl), 6–methyl, 3,4–dihydropyrimidin–2(1H)–ones and  Lithium Aluminium Hydride in presence of completely dry  THF. Lithium aluminium hydride  has been found to be  effective reducing agent. Different amides can be efficiently reduced with lithium aluminium hydride (LAH) to the corresponding Mannich bases.  

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Rohinee R. Dharamkar, Dr. Y.K. Meshram, A Simple and Economic Synthesis of 5–(aminomethyl)–4–(substituted phenyl)–6–methyl–3,4–dihydropyrimidin–2(1H)–ones., INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume‾7 | Issue‾7 | July‾2017

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