Volume : IV, Issue : VIII, August - 2014

A Role of MPBCDC in Economic Upliftment of Scheduled Caste Beneficiaries in Kolhapur District

Mr. Chandrakant B. Kamble

Abstract :

The Maharashtra Government has established one corporation for the development of backward class people i.e. Mahatma Phule Backward Class Development Corporation Limited Mumbai (M.P.B.C.D.C). M.P.B.C.D.C has implemented various schemes on behalf of the Government such as 1) 50% Subsidy Scheme 2) Margin Money Scheme 3) Training Scheme 4) SRMS 5) NSFDC 6) NSKFDC. Mahatma Phule Backward Class Development Corporation is one of the leading SC Corporations in Maharashtra which has been started to providing entrepreneurial finance for economic upliftment of scheduled castes. The present study has been undertaken to attempt the Role of MPBCDC in Economic Upliftment of Scheduled Caste Beneficiaries in Kolhapur District of Maharashtra State.

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Mr. Chandrakant B. Kamble A Role of MPBCDC in Economic Upliftment of Scheduled Caste Beneficiaries in Kolhapur District Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.4, Issue.8 August 2014

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