Volume : III, Issue : XII, December - 2013

A Review–An Experimental Effect of Electrode Material on MRR, Kerf width and Surface roughness of AISI D2 Tool Steel in WEDM

Rutvik A. Shah, Prof. Ankit Darji

Abstract :

The recent upgradation of newer and harder materials have made the machining task in WEDM quite challenging. Thus for the optimum use of all the resources it is essential to make the optimum use of parameters to get the best output to increase the productivity. Many different electrode materials are available now days for decreasing the machining time. This paper reviews the various notable works in field of WEDM and magnifies on effect of electrode material of same diameter on MRR, Kerf width and surface roughness.

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Rutvik A. Shah, Prof. Ankit Darji A Review-An Experimental Effect of Electrode Material on MRR, Kerf width and Surface roughness of AISI D2 Tool Steel in WEDM Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.III, Issue.XII Dec 2013

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