Volume : VI, Issue : IX, September - 2016

A Review: Sixteen Sutras of Vedic mathematics

Amandeep Kaur

Abstract :

 We in India have good reasons to be proud of a rich heritage in science, philosophy and culture in general, coming to us down the ages. In mathematics, which is my own area of specialization, the ancient Indians not only took great strides long before the Greek advent, which is a standard reference point in the Western historical perspective, but also enriched it for a long period making in particular some very fundamental contributions such as the place–value system for writing numbers as we have today, introduction of zero and so on. Guru ji used to say that he had reconstructed the sixteen mathematical formulae (given in this text) from the Atharveda after assiduous research and ‘Tapas’ for about eight years in the forests surrounding Sringeri. Obviously these formulae are not to be found in the present recensions of Atharvaveda; they were actually reconstructed, on the basis of intuitive revelation, from materials scattered here and there in the Atharvaveda. Revered Gurudeva used to say that he had written sixteen volumes on these sutras one for each sutra. In this paper I try to present a review on given sixteen sutras.

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Amandeep Kaur A Review: Sixteen Sutras of Vedic mathematics Indian Journal of Applied Research,Volume : 6 | Issue : 9 | September 2016

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