Volume : VII, Issue : II, February - 2017

A Review on –E banking services provided by Nationalized and private sector Banks in India.

Ms. Megha A. Jain, Dr. G. H. Barhate

Abstract :

 As the Government of India is supporting for cashless economy, these gives boost to the use of e banking services in India. E banking plays very important role for development of banking sector. Banking in our country has become more innovative than the traditional banking system. Developments in Information technology and Changing priorities of the customers have given a rise to innovations in the product & services provided by the banks and finance industries, customer services and satisfaction are their centre point of all the efforts. Information Technology is one of the most important areas of banking which have a positive influence on various traditional funds movement services of banks. With the advent of e banking, electronic funds transfer and other similar products & services for funds transfer within quick time which was impossible a few years back. The research paper through light on the various important aspects and review of literature related to  E banking services provided by nationalized and private sector banks in India

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Ms.Megha A.Jain, Dr.G.H.Barhate, A Review on –E banking services provided by Nationalized and private sector Banks in India., INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume‾7 | Issue‾2 | February‾2017

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