Volume : III, Issue : VII, July - 2014

A Research paper on Trends and Dynamics of Organizational Development Interventions and its relationship with Training

Dr. Sna Farooqi

Abstract :

In this research paper focus in on training as an OD interventions which are now and then being practically used in various companies both in India and aoad. This research paper starts with an overview of Organizational development which says Organization development offers a prescription for improving the “fit” between the individuals and the organization, between the organization and the environment, and among the organizational components such as strategy, structure and process. It also states that in OD, there is a reciprocal influence between culture, strategy, structure and processes; each is important and each influences the other. In this research paper history of OD is also discussed which includes second generation OD efforts. Through this research paper we also get clarity on what can be various objectives of organizational development programme before a beginning is made. It concludes with some of the experiences of Indian Organizations with Various O.D. Interventions 

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Dr. Sna Farooqi A Research paper on Trends and Dynamics of Organizational Development Interventions and its relationship with Training Management

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