Volume : VI, Issue : XI, November - 2016

A Rare Case Report of Guillian Barre Syndrome Presenting with bilateral Facial Nerve Palsy

Dr. Harshal Arjun Ingle, Dr. Sitaram Sabane, Dr. Kiran Mane

Abstract :

 T Bilateral paralysis of the facial nerve is a relatively rare presentation and often indicates a serious underlying medical condition. Guillain–Barré syndrome needs to be considered, among others in the differential diagnoses of such presentation. We present here the case of a 40 year old female who presented with bilateral facial nerve paralysis due to the Guillain–Barré syndrome

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Dr. Harshal Arjun Ingle, Dr. Sitaram Sabane, Dr. Kiran Mane, A Rare Case Report of Guillian Barre Syndrome Presenting with bilateral Facial Nerve Palsy, Indian Journal of Applied Research,Volume : 6 | Issue : 11 | November 2016

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