Volume : VII, Issue : V, May - 2017

A radiographic Study of Prevalence of Sesamoid Bones of the Hand in Adult Sudanese

Walaa Mohammed El Saih, Yasser Seddeg Abdulghani, Kamalelden Elbadawy, Tahir Osman Ali

Abstract :

  Aim: this study aimed to examine the plain anteroposterior and oblique radiographs of the hands in adult Sudanese in hospitals in order to determine the prevalence of sesamoid bones and their distribution.   Methods:  A total of 57 hand plain anteroposterior and oblique radiographs of the hands from 29 men and 28 females with age range between 15–60 years were examined to determine the presents of the sesamoids in the hand and to determine their number and to show any differences may exist between males and females.  Results :Sesamoid bones were always present at the metacarpophalangeal (MCP) joint of the thumb (100%). One sesamoid bone in the thumb interphalangeal (IP) joint was observed in 7% of the cases. The prevalence of sesamoid bones of the index, middle and little MCP joint were 47.36%, 7% and 14% respectively. Sesamoid bones palmar to the MCP joints of the ring finger were not found. There were no significant differences between left and right hand digits. No significant differences were found between males and females as the previous studies found. The present study represents the first report on the prevalence and distribution of sesamoid bones of the hand in adult Sudanese. The prevalence of sesamoid bones in Sudanese population is considerably different from the Africans and Arab populations.

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Walaa Mohammed El–Saih, Yasser Seddeg Abdulghani, Kamalelden Elbadawy, Tahir Osman Ali, A radiographic Study of Prevalence of Sesamoid Bones of the Hand in Adult Sudanese, INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume‾7 | Issue‾5 | May‾2017

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