Volume : VIII, Issue : IV, April - 2018

A Quantitative study on Gender Shopping and Buying Behavior

Meenakshi Bhaskar

Abstract :

Electronic commerce (online shopping) is increasing in popularity nowadays due to the popularity of computer usage and the prevalence of internet. Electronic commerce can produce numerous benefits to both sellers and consumers. Hence, the study of online consumer behavior can generate a better online atmosphere to facilitate greater profit to sellers and better online purchasing experience to consumer. Gender has universal characteristics, regardless of culture and time period. In this study, the gender differences in different aspects of online consumer behavior is  concerned and investigate Does Gender Play A Role In Online Consumer Behavior?

.Out of the many aspects that can influence a consumer’ purchasing behavior, one of the major factors is gender. Men and women approach shopping with different motives, perspectives, rationales, and considerations Males and females want different products due to their different upinging and socialization along with various other factors like social, psychological etc. And they are likely to have different ways of thinking about obtaining these. We can see in our daily life that both genders are completely different in decision making whether it is a personal life, professional life and even if it is eating or shopping decisions both the genders differ completely in every stages of decision making. In this paper, an attempt is made to understand these differences at every stages of purchasing decision. . This paper depicts the gender influence on purchasing goods.

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Meenakshi Bhaskar, A Quantitative study on Gender Shopping and Buying Behavior, INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume-8 | Issue-4 | April-2018

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