Volume : VII, Issue : XII, December - 2017

A prospective study of profile of adult patients admitted with seizures

Dr. Gajanan Balaji Kurundkar, Dr. Munde D. D.

Abstract :

 A seizure is a clinical manifestation of abnormal electrical activity in the ain. Although idiopathic generalised seizures are common in children, many other conditions can cause seizures in adults. This study was undertaken to identify the characteristics & aetiology in adult patients presenting with seizures. Aims & Objectives:  To study clinical features, types of seizures & causes of seizures in patients admitted Medicine department in tertiary care hospital.  Materials & Methods: This was a prospective observational type of study. The study was conducted on patients admitted in Medicine department of SKN Medical College & General Hospital, Pune during period March 2016 to Oct 2017. Total 31 patients were selected randomly who were admitted with one or more episodes of seizures (age> 18yrs). Data was collected in terms of history, clinical findings & laboratory parameters, neuro–imaging & EEG findings. Data was analysed using standard statistical tests. Results: Generalised tonic clonic seizures were seen in 87.1%.  Idiopathic seizures were seen in 45.16% patients & next common cause was CVA (22.58%). Conclusion: Although idiopathic generalised tonic clonic form of seizures are common, other causes like metabolic, structural neurological lesions like CVA should always be looked for in adult patients

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Dr. Gajanan Balaji Kurundkar, Dr. Munde D. D., A prospective study of profile of adult patients admitted with seizures, INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume-7 | Issue-12 | December-2017

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