Volume : I, Issue : XII, September - 2012

A Prospective Study Of Intestinal Obstruction In A Rural Hospital In India

Bhange Shashikant Ramrao, Jadhav Sandip Ekanath, Naik Ajay Marutirao

Abstract :

Acute intestinal obstruction is a one of the common life threatening emergencies all over the world. Clinical judgment regarding the cases of intestinal obstruction greatly influences the need of urgent surgery and prognosis of patients especially in a rural set up where advanced imaging modalities are either not available or are available in limited number of cases. This prospective study included 129 (1.11%) patients of intestinal obstruction. Maximum cases 31(24.03%) were seen in first decade of life with male predominance. Conservative management is successful in 40 to 70 percent of clinically stable patients. The ratio of small bowel to large bowel obstruction was found to be 4.43:1. Out of 87 operated cases, most common procedure was resection anastomosis, performed in 34 (39.08%) cases. Mortality rate was 6.20 %.

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Bhange Shashikant Ramrao, Jadhav Sandip Ekanath, Naik Ajay Marutirao A Prospective Study Of Intestinal Obstruction In A Rural Hospital In India Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.I, Issue.XII September 2012

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