Volume : III, Issue : VIII, August - 2013

A Premise on Nur Jehan’s Education

Anju Agarwal

Abstract :

Mihr–un–nisa who later became famous in Mughal History as NUR–JEHAN was an intelligent, talented, and educated woman. There is no reference in the contemporary historians of her education in particular, or education of girls in general. Infact, there were no schools for girls. In the absence of any historical record, we can just work on a premise, on the basis of the circumstantial evidence, that, in the Royal Harem as well as in a Noble’s household, there were lady tutors for girls who taught them Persian alphabet and a little arithmetic apart from the inevitable Quran. During adolescence, it was largely the influence, exerted upon her, by the three forms of culture, which provided the means of education and prepared her for such a responsible public office. She learnt gradually, bit by bit and CULTURE was her teacher and the best means of her EDUCATION.

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Anju Agarwal A Premise on Nur Jehan’s Education Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.III, Issue.VIII August 2013

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