Volume : VI, Issue : VI, June - 2016

A Preliminary Study Giardiasis in a Tertiary Care Hospital

Deepesh Kumar, Anil Kumar

Abstract :

 Background:Intestinal parasitic infection is one of the major health problems in several developing countries, including India. The world health organization(WHO) estimates that there are 800–1000 million cases of ascariasis,700–900 million hookworm infection,500 million trichuris,200 million giardiasis, and 500 million amoebasis. Aims: The aim of this study ware to determine the prevalence of Giardia sp. infections among the patients. Material and Methods:A total of 692 stool samples were examined for Protozoa and Helminths infection by routine microscopy. Results: There are eight different type of parasite detected. Out of which Giardia lamblia 28(24.13%) were seen.Conclusion: It is need to develop effective diagnostic, prevention and control strategies including health education and environmental hygiene.

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Deepesh Kumar, Anil kumar A Preliminary Study Giardiasis in a Tertiary Care Hospital Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.6, Issue : 6 JUNE 2016

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