Volume : III, Issue : VII, July - 2013

A Novelty Based Sharing of Personalhealth E–Records in Cloud Environment

B. Raj Kumar, Dr. S. Satyanarayana

Abstract :

A personal health record, or E–PHR, is a wellbeing trace somewhere health data and information related to the care of a patient is maintained as a result of the unwearied. This stands in contrast with the more widely used electronic medical record, which is operated by institutions (such as a hospital) and contains data entered by clinicians or billing data to support indemnity claims. The objective of a E–PHR is to afford a inclusive and accurate summary of an individuals medical history which is easily reached online. The vigor data on a E–PHR power comprise patient– reported ending data, lab consequences, and data from campaign such as wireless electronic weigh scales. Personal health record (E–PHR) is an budding patient–centric mold of health in turn trade, which is often outsourced to be stored at a third bash, such as cloud providers. Nevertheless, in attendance have been oad isolation concerns as personal health information could be exposed to those third party servers and to not permitted parties. To swear the patients’ organize over entrée to their personal E–PHRs, it is a gifted way to encrypt the E–PHRs before outsourcing. Yet, issues such as risks of isolation exposure, scalability in key management, supple contact and proficient user revocation, have remained the most imperative challenges toward achieving fine–grained, cryptographically forced data admittance organize.

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B. Raj kumar, Dr.S.Satyanarayana A Novelty Based Sharing of Personalhealth E-Records in Cloud Environment Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.III, Issue.VII July 2013

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