Volume : III, Issue : XI, November - 2013

A New Profile of Pressure Group Politics in Third World Democracy

Pratick Mallick

Abstract :

The pressure group politics is a vast topic of research. It is varied in nature. It acts as a means to the political parties whose success depends on the former. It is important to reflect light upon three models of the pressure group politics; it is, therefore, interesting to highlight as to how and why the political parties can become able to retain power or shift to power. Furthering the relational quotient between the pressure groups of different circles, a minute observation points to how a political party in Opposition takes to power by capitalizing the negative feedbacks of the pressure groups of the circle–in–power. The management of pressure groups seems to be a challenge to the retention of democracy even by the democratic essentials like political parties.

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Pratick Mallick / A New Profile of Pressure Group Politics in Third World Democracy / Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.3, Issue.11 November 2013

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