Volume : V, Issue : III, March - 2015

A new High Reliable Drive system for Electric Passenger Locomotives of Indian Railways

C. Nagamani, Dr. R. Somanatham

Abstract :

The Electric Locomotives are classified as Passenger, Goods and Mixed to be used for Passenger Services, Goods and both types of Services respectively. The Passenger Locomotives need to be light in weight in order to run at higher Speeds of the order of 200 Kmph. The Power delivered by the Traction Motors to the Driving Wheels has to be constant for the Passenger version of Electric Locomotives. To make the Passenger Locomotives lighter, a new high reliable design of Drives System with Three–phase Squirrel Cage Induction Motors for a Six–Axle Locomotive is proposed in this Paper.

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C. Nagamani, Dr. R. Somanatham A New High Reliable Drive System for Electric Passenger Locomotives of Indian Railways Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.5, Issue : 3 March 2015

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