Volume : V, Issue : VII, July - 2015

A new era of digital television broadcast in Mauritius

Dr Nirmal Kumar Betchoo

Abstract :

 Since the early days of television in Mauritius, it is now fifty years since the Mauritian population has been benefiting from analogue transmission with images and sound aired by the local oadcaster, the Mauritius Broadcasting Corporation . Already since 2006, Mauritius became the first country in the African continent to oadcast digitally in the form of digital video oadcasting (DVB) and as from mid–June of this year, local television oadcasting will be fully digital. This research paper assesses the change taking place in the field of digital oadcasting but assesses the different forms of oadcasting available in Mauritius. It also suggests that there is a need to integrate Internet–based television which is likely to be the next level of oadcasting while this trend will essentially depend upon the degree of sophistication of the user/public.

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Dr NIRMAL KUMAR BETCHOO A New Era of Digital Television Broadcast in Mauritius Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.5, Issue : 7 July 2015

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