Volume : I, Issue : IX, June - 2012

A Need for an Epitome Shift in Management Education

Mrs. Vanishree K. Jamashetti, Mr. Sanjeev Rathod

Abstract :

Every one said this mushrooming of B Schools is creating a sticky situation both with regard to quality of MBAs as well as suitable placements for them and ultimately is affecting the credibility of management education in India, and churning out 2 lakh MBAs per year. Everyone felt someone else is responsible for this. This paper is an attempt to ing out two major issues, firstly the attraction of higher salary and transformation of ‘non – employable’ to ‘employable´ made it easy for the Institutes to get sufficient number of applicants to occupy the benches year by year. Secondly how we assume the basic theory of management process, where we say the process converts ‘inputs’ to ‘outputs’ by using various resources where delivery and pedagogical methodologies play a vital role.

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Mrs. Vanishree K. Jamashetti, Mr. Sanjeev Rathod A Need for an Epitome Shift in Management Education Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.I, Issue.IX June 2012

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