Volume : IV, Issue : II, February - 2014

A Morphological Study of Sacral Hiatus with its Clinical Implications

Dr. Qudusia Sultana, Dr. M. H Shariff, Dr. Meera Jacob, Dr. Chitra P Rao, Dr. Ramakrishna Avadhani

Abstract :

This study to know the variations in the morphology of sacral hiatus was carried out on 194 sacral bones in Dakshin Kannada region. Various shapes of sacral hiatus were observed which included inverted U(62.37%) ,inverted V(22.16%) , Irregular (8.76%) ,dumbbell (3.09%) ,non canalized (2.06%) and bifid (1.54%). Level of apex and base of sacral hiatus were most commonly seen at 4th sacral vertea in 74.21% and at 5th sacral vertea in 96.84% respectively. The knowledge about the anatomical variations and structural modifications of sacral hiatus is necessary for the reliability and success of caudal epidural block and to prevent dural sac puncture.

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Dr. Qudusia sultana, Dr. M.H Shariff, Dr. Meera Jacob, Dr.Chitra P Rao, Dr. Ramakrishna Avadhani A Morphological Study of Sacral Hiatus with its Clinical Implications Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.IV, Issue. II

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