Volume : IX, Issue : VIII, August - 2019

A missed neglected Maisonneuve Fracture in an elderly male : A Case Report

Dr Sajid Ansari, Dr Mohit Dhingra, Dr Sabeel Ahmad, Dr Aditya Singla

Abstract :

Syndesmotic injuries are challenging in diagnosis and management as delays in treating the injury lead to poorer functional outcomes. In this case report, we discuss missed diagnosis and management of an untreated Maisonneuve fracture. The following case outlines an active 60–yr old male patient who presented with pain on the left ankle and lower leg after he met with a road traffic accident with twisting ankle injury about a month ago. The proper diagnosis is reliant on ankle and tibiofibular films, to include orthogonal views. The medial ankle ligamentous injury were missed at the 1st centre and was managed conservatively on the lines of isolated fibular shaft fracture. This case serves as a reminder to always examine joints above and below the injury site, obtain orthogonal views of a fracture, as well as have high index of suspicion of ligamentous injury around the ankle and unstable nature of syndesmosis injuries.

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Article: Download PDF   DOI : 10.36106/ijar  

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A MISSED NEGLECTED MAISONNEUVE FRACTURE IN AN ELDERLY MALE : A CASE REPORT, Dr Sajid Ansari, Dr Mohit Dhingra, Dr Sabeel Ahmad, Dr Aditya Singla INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume-9 | Issue-8 | August-2019

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