Volume : IV, Issue : III, March - 2014

A Low Energy Consumption in Precision Agriculture Using Wireless Sensor Network

A. Gowri Priya, K. Kannan

Abstract :

Wireless sensor network is necessary for information and control technologies in application areas such as agriculture. MAC and network layers are designed for a wireless sensor network that is deployed for a precision agriculture application which needs cyclic collection of sensor readings from fixed location in a field. The physical layer have radio that operates in more than one power levels in the transmit mode and many sensitivity levels in the receiver mode. We designed a MAC layer to save power during the wake–up synchronization phase and network layer to custom fit the needs of the application and to minimize the energy consumption. The favour of wireless sensor network in agriculture is for several causes such as high performance, increase the production efficiency when decreasing cost, low–power consumption.

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A.Gowri Priya, K.Kannan A Low Energy Consumption in Precision Agriculture Using Wireless Sensor Network Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.IV, Issue. III

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