Volume : VIII, Issue : XI, November - 2018

A historical Study on; women Participation in Sports (Olympic)

Dr. Anushree Mahurkar, Dr. Anil Walke

Abstract :

 Women’s sport history started back in the 19th century. By the end of the 19th century, horseback riding, archery, golf, tennis, skiing and skating were being enjoyed among women in the upper social class.its use to promote gender equity and empower girls and women is often overlooked because sport is not universally perceived as a suitable or desirable pursuit for girls and women. This article aims analyze the trend of women’s participation in sports and physical activity at international and national levels. As we know about the Olympic Games, this is a platform of maximum countries of world to meet together for sports. So Olympic Games are the best representatives of all games and sports competition at various levels. Some women i.e. KarnamMalleswari, SainaNehwal and M.C. Marry Com won the medals in Olympic games. On the basis of this trend we can say that, the women’s participation in sports will be equal to men’s near the mid of this century in Games.

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A historical Study on; women Participation in Sports (Olympic) , Dr.Anushree Mahurkar, Dr. Anil Walke , INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume-8 | Issue-11 | November-2018

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