Volume : I, Issue : VII, April - 2012

A Growth of Rural Postal Life Insurance in India [ A Study with special Reference to Dharmapuri District]

Dr. A. Vinayagamoorthy, K. Senthilkumar

Abstract :

The study was carried out to analyze whether the Rural Postal Life Insurance in India have gained importance among the people or not. Government must create more awareness among the rural people about the Rural Postal Life Insurance, saving Schemes and the benefits availed through it as it has not reached the People properly. Good reliable, Government authorized agents should be appointed so that people find it easy to hand over the money so that mobilization of savings could be increased. The Post Offices should be computerized and more staff members are to be appointed as majority feel that the service provided by the post offices are not good. The interest rates have to be increased as for many Investment schemes there is a gradual reduction from high percentage of interest to low percentage. There must be a change in the infrastructure facilities of Post Office and the staff should be more hospitable. The presented paper depicts the current scenario and the a growth of Postal Life Insurance

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Dr. A. Vinayagamoorthy, K. Senthilkumar A Growth of Rural Postal Life Insurance in India [ A Study with special Reference to Dharmapuri District] Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.I, Issue.VII April 2012

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