Volume : VI, Issue : II, February - 2016

A Groundwater Assessment Study in Haringhata Block, West Bengal for Realizing Sustainable Water Supplies

Alivia Chowdhury

Abstract :

 A quantitative groundwater assessment study was carried out in Håhata Block, Nadia district, West Bengal for the sustainable utilization of vulnerable groundwater resource of the area. The groundwater resources were evaluated based on Groundwater Resource Estimation Committee norms. The total groundwater recharge was estimated from rainfall using infiltration factor method and recharge of groundwater from irrigated fields was estimated using the norms recommended by the Groundwater Estimation Committee. The net annual groundwater draft was estimated based on the number and type of wells and unit draft. Using the annual net groundwater draft and annual utilizable groundwater resources, the stage of groundwater development was determined for the block. The net annual groundwater draft of the study area was estimated as 174 MCM whereas the total groundwater recharge was estimated as 103.52 MCM considering two major recharge sources to groundwater i.e., rainfall and return flow of irrigation. The stage of groundwater development of the block was estimated as 167%, i.e. more than 100% which indicates the area as an overexploited zone.

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Alivia Chowdhury A Groundwater Assessment Study in Haringhata Block, West Bengal for Realizing Sustainable Water Supplies Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.6, Issue : 2 February 2016

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