Volume : V, Issue : II, February - 2015

A Dipstick Study on Work Stress and Its Effect on Absenteeism and Quitting Intention

Nirali Patel, Dr. Kavita Kshatriya

Abstract :

This study examines the effect of absenteeism and quitting intentions on employee work stress in IT and ecommerce sector. This paper highlights on five different criteria of measuring work stressvia job demand, job control, career opportunities, job benefit, and job support. Questionnaire method was used to collect the data from the respondents. Multiple regressions were used to find the effect of different stressorsof work stress. The result indicates that job demand related stress factor have highest effect on both absenteeism and quitting intentions.

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Nirali Patel, Dr. Kavita Kshatriya A Dipstick Study on Work Stress and Its Effect on Absenteeism and Quitting Intention Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.5, Issue : 2 February 2015

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