Volume : VIII, Issue : III, March - 2018

A descriptive study of the clinico-epidemiological factors related to acne vulgaris at a tertiary care hospital

Dr. Uddhao S. Zambare, Dr. Chitra S. Nayak

Abstract :


Background: Though acne is common in India, few have studied the clinico–epidemiological profile of acne vulgaris.

Aims: To study the clinico–epidemiological profile of acne patients and possible correlation between acne and hirsutism, metabolic syndrome and acanthosis nigricans.

Material & Methods:  A prospective cross sectional study of all consenting patients of acne vulgariswas conducted at a tertiary hospital between May 2015 and April 2016. Parameters recorded were age, age of onset, sex, occupation, grade of acne, exacerbating factors, premenstrual flare, menstrual cycle irregularity, family history of acne, addictions, dietary factors, socioeconomic status, site of involvement, post acne scarring, acne related pigmentation, presence of seborrheic dermatitis, hirsutism, metabolic syndrome and acanthosis nigricans.

Results: Prevalence of acne was 0.95%. Among 452 study patients, male: female ratio was 1.27:1 with amean age of 21.69years in females and 19.88 years in males. Mean age of onset of acne was 18.98 years in females and 17.73years in males. 25.66% patients had grade I acne, 59.73% had grade II acne, 11.28% had grade III and 3.32% had grade IV acne. Summer exacerbation was noted in 41.81% patients. Premenstrual flare was seen in 65.33% females and 12.56% had menstrual irregularity. Family history of acne was present in 55.75% patients. No association between dietary factors and acne severity was found (P>0.05). Face was involved in all (100%) patients, back in 13.27%, 9.96% had chest involvement, neck and upper arms were involved in 5.53% and 3.1% respectively. Post acne scarring was seen in 67.26% patients, 79.2% patients had post acne pigmentation and 24.78% patients had seborrheic dermatitis. Hirsutism, acanthosis nigricans and metabolic syndrome were seen in 11.56%, 4.42% and 0.88% patients respectively.

Conclusions: Our study is a detailed analysis of the clinico–epidemiological factors of acne vulgaris at a tertiary hospital.

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Dr. Uddhao S. Zambare, Dr. Chitra S. Nayak, A descriptive study of the clinico-epidemiological factors related to acne vulgaris at a tertiary care hospital, INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume-8 | Issue-3 | March-2018

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