Volume : VI, Issue : XI, November - 2016

A customized mandibular reconstruction implant with integrated dental implants to treat mandibular continuity defects

Philipp Sembdner, Jutta Markwardt, Matthias C. Schulz, Raoul Lesche, Hans J Rgen Ullrich, Gert Richter, Heike Mei Ner, Bernd Reitemeier

Abstract :

 In cases of mandibular continuity defects following tumor resection or comminuted fractures the functionality of the orofacial system is severely impaired. Dislocation of the remaining stumps by muscular tension hampering a stable occlusion and food ingestion might be a consequence. By applying pre–faicated idging plates a satisfying compensation is mostly not achieved yet. A potential approach using a customized mandibular reconstruction implant and integrated dental implants is presented based on the treatment of an initial patient case. The customized mandibular reconstruction implant might serve as a pre–requisite to minimize the functional disruption of the orofacial system and as support for a sufficient oral rehabilitation. The medical and engineering cooperation required to perform such a new treatment is described in the presented case.

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Article: Download PDF   DOI : 10.36106/ijar  

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Philipp Sembdner, Jutta Markwardt, Matthias C. Schulz, Raoul Lesche, Hans�J�rgen Ullrich, Gert Richter, Heike Mei�ner, Bernd Reitemeier, A customized mandibular reconstruction implant with integrated dental implants to treat mandibular continuity defects, Indian Journal of Applied Research,Volume : 6 | Issue : 11 | November 2016

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