Volume : VIII, Issue : VII, July - 2018

A Cross-sectional Study on Validity of Indian Diabetes Risk Score for Diabetes Mellitus among the Population of Gwalior City

Shobha Chaturbedi, Vimal Arya

Abstract :

Background: India is experiencing a rapid health transition with a rising burden of NCDs causing significant morbidity and mortality, with considerable loss in potentially productive years (age 35–64 years) of life.1 IDRS can act as a useful screening tool in early identification diabetes.4

Objectives: A. To find out sensitivity and specificity of INDIAN DIABETIC RISK SCORE (IDRS), and its validation in deciding to find out the magnitude of diabetes as a health problem in community of Gwalior City. B. To access and analyze the various component of IDRS – 1. Age of subjects –20 years and above, 2. Level of physical activity, 3. Waist circumference (in cm.), and 4. Family history of Diabetes in population and their contribution in deciding the risk of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus as a whole. C. Application of Indian Diabetic Risk Score as a proxy marker in deciding the severity and management of Diabetes in population.

Methods: The study was community based cross sectional study.  The sample size included in this study was 615 subjects.

Results:In this present study 28 % study participants have BMI ≥ 25, 13.3% were found to have diabetes in those subject, who were of low risk group and about 20.8% were found to have Type 2 DM of overweight subjects of high risk group.

Conclusion: By early indication would greatly help in favorable, alternation of the natural history of the disease, and also would help in reducing the global economic cost of diabetes.

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Shobha Chaturbedi, Vimal Arya, A Cross-sectional Study on Validity of Indian Diabetes Risk Score for Diabetes Mellitus among the Population of Gwalior City, INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume-8 | Issue-7 | July-2018

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