Volume : VI, Issue : VIII, August - 2016

A cross–sectional study on socio–demographic profile of adult female smokers in rural areas of Kutch district

Dr Pravin N Yerpude, Dr Keerti S Jogdand

Abstract :

 Introduction: Female smokers in India have gone up in the last 30 years but the number of men who puff daily dipped in the country . Smoking among Indian men fell from 33.8% to in 1980 to 23% in 2012. While women in 2012 a total of 12.1 million women smoked in India compared to 5.3 million female smokers in 1980. The prevalence of overall tobacco use among men as 47% and women 21% in the country .The present study was conducted to study the socio demographic profile of rural female smokers and to find out reasons for smoking among rural females. Materials and methods: The present community based cross sectional descriptive study was conducted in rural field practice area of dept of community medicine. Out of 10 villages,3 villages were picked up by simple random sample method. Among the three villages all female adult smokers were identified with the help of health workers, 130 adult female smokers were identified in 3 villages. But 117 study participants agreed to participate in the study. So sample size was 117 subjects. Results: 35.04% belongs to 51–60 years, followed by 28.21% above 60 years age group. 41.03 % were illiterates followed by 19.66% females were educated upto secondary class. Age of starting of smoking depicts that 55.56% of females started smoking at the age of <15 years. 69.23% females were smoking chutta followed by 29.06% females were beedi smokers. 35.04 % females were aware that smoking causes the mouth ulcer, 19.66% said lung cancer.32.48% smoke after taking meals. Conclusion: IEC activities must be strengthened. Smoking cessation programmes must be organized in rural communities. Health education campaigns among adolescents regarding smoking ill effects must be frequently organized through Anganwadi centers.

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Dr Pravin N Yerpude, Dr Keerti S Jogdand A cross–sectional study on socio–demographic profile of adult female smokers in rural areas of Kutch district Indian Journal of Applied Research,Volume : 6 | Issue : 8 | August 2016

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