Volume : IV, Issue : V, May - 2014

A Cross–Sectional Study of Common Health Problems of the Elderly

Pranay Gandhi, Sunita Sharma, Prateek Gandhi

Abstract :

Background:Estimates of health problems of the elderly in developing countries are required from time to time. Aims:To identify the common geriatric health problems in slum and a village and to explore any gender and urban–rural difference in morbidity. Materials and Methods:A community–based cross–sectional study was carried out in all people aged over 60 years in an urban slum and a village in the field practice area of a teaching hospital having population of 407. Results:Visual impairment was the most common handicap with prevalence of 83.29% (339/407), with males more affected than females (OR = 2.52, 95% CI 1.32–4.87). Uncorrected heå impairment was also common. Prevalence of hypertension was 30.7% (125/407); 12% (49/407) had diabetes; 7.6% (31/407) gave history of ischemic heart disease. Conclusion:Unmet health needs exist in elderly. 

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Pranay Gandhi, Sunita Sharma, Prateek Gandhi A Cross-Sectional Study of Common Health Problems of the Elderly Indian Journal of Applied Research, Volume.4, Issue.5, May-2014

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