Volume : III, Issue : III, March - 2013

A Critical Study of Consumer Preferences Regarding Selected Mobile Handsets in Pune City

Hemant Arjun Anbhule

Abstract :

Today there is increased use of mobile phones by most of the people. Increased use may be because of easy exchange of information & convenient communication. This study has the purpose to find out the preference criteria of consumers for particular mobile handset. Also the aim of the study is to find out the relation between age of respondents & mobile preference. For this study 50 respondents are selected having 6 different age groups. For this study only selected 6 ands of mobile handsets are selected. Result of the study shows that there is significance relationship between age of respondents and mobile and preference.

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Hemant Arjun Anbhule A Critical Study of Consumer Preferences Regarding Selected Mobile Handsets in Pune City Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.III, Issue.III March 2013

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