Volume : VII, Issue : I, January - 2017

A correlative study of potentially malignant and malignant lesions of oral cavity with reference to high–risk Human papilloma virus status

Mamta Singh

Abstract :


The incidence of potentially malignant lesions especially oral submucous fiosis (OSMF) and malignant lesions– oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) has increased many folds in North India especially in younger generation, which is of great concern. Therefore this hospital based crosssectional study was undertaken to correlate various histological findings regarding grades of OSMF with or without oral epithelial dysplasia (OED) and OSCC with high–risk Human papilloma virus (HR–HPV) status.


This study includes 125 cases of OSMF along with 135 healthy controls. Samples were processed for cytology, histopathology and detection of HR–HPV DNA by the second–generation Hybrid Capture–II (HC–II).  


Of the total 125 cases studied, 92 (73.6%) were of OSMF and 33 (26.4%) of OSCC, along with 135 healthy controls. The HR–HPV positivity in OSMF in toto was 32.6% while in OSCC it was 66.6%. It was observed that out of 92 cases of OSMF, 35 (38%) revealed dysplasia and 57 (62%) were nondysplastic lesion, the HR–HPV positivity was 54.3% (19) and 11 (19.3%) respectively. In 135 healthy controls 19 (14.1%) showed HR–HPV positivity. The difference between the HR–HPV status in control and non–dysplastic OSMF was not significant (p=0.5380). The difference between OSMF in toto and control group for HR–HPV positivity was just significant (p=0.038933). When the control group for HR–HPV positivity was compared with OSMF–dysplastic group (p=0.000423) and between dysplastic and nondysplastic (p=0.00051) group both were highly significant. Degree of dysplasia increased with higher grades of OSMF more with HR–HPV positivity (r = 0.68). A significant association was found in HR–HPV positivity and malignancy (p=0.04). However the difference between

OSMF dysplastic lesion and malignancy was insignificant (p=0.598409).


It is concluded that there is a significant association of HR–HPV positivity in OSMF with increasing grades of OED and OSCC, thus HR–HPV positivity may be recognized as an additional carcinogenic factor which has synergistic effect on the progression of potentially malignant lesion (OSMF) to dysplasia and neoplasia. 

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Mamta Singh, A correlative study of potentially malignant and malignant lesions of oral cavity with reference to high–risk Human papilloma virus status, Indian Journal of Applied Research,Volume : 7 | Issue : 1 | JANUARY 2017

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