Volume : VI, Issue : IV, April - 2016


Dr. B. C. Patil, Dr. C. S. Chaitanya, Dr. R. S. Mane, Dr. A. A. Mohite

Abstract :

 A prospective cohort clinical study was conducted at Dr. D. Y. Patil Hospital, Kolhapur from May 2013 to March 2015. The aim was to evaluate the operative outcome of fat myringoplasty with respect to graft uptake, heå improvement and complications. Total of 50 cases with tubo–tympanic type of CSOM with small central perforation (involving one quadrant and size not exceeding 25% of pars tensa) were operated for fat myringoplasty. Patients were followed up with ear microscopy at each follow up visit and an audiometry at the end of 6th month. Statistical analysis was done by ‘Graphpad–Insat’ software using unpaired t–test , all category variables are compared by using Z–test for proprortion and chi–square test for p values. 42 (84%) cases had a successful graft uptake. The mean pre–operative audiometry AC threshold was 35.30dB +/– 4.05, the mean post–operative AC threshold was 24.43dB +/– 6.04 with a audiometric gain of 10.87dB +/– 5.28 which was statistically significant (2test, p< 0.0001*). Except for residual perforation in 5 cases and AOM in 3 cases, no other complications were noted in rest of patients. Thus we conclude that fat graft myringoplasty has an excellent results with respect to graft uptake and heå improvement in cases of small central perforation (less than 25% of pars tensa).

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Dr. B.C. Patil, Dr.C. S. Chaitanya, Dr. R.S. Mane, Dr.A. A. Mohite A COMPREHENSIVE STUDY OF FAT GRAFT MYRINGOPLASTY Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.6, Issue : 3 March 2016

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