Volume : III, Issue : VII, July - 2013

A comparative study on the various Direct–to–homes (DTH) Service providers in Chennai

A. Irin Sutha, L. Jayanthi

Abstract :

This study is to compare the various kinds of services that are offered by the DTH service providers to the customers in order to find the reach of the DTH and also to understand the customer preference and extent of satisfaction. The research design used for the study is descriptive research. The study is conducted among both the users & non–users, with the help of structured interview schedules using questionnaire. Initially, a pilot study was conducted among few respondents and changes were ought in the questionnaire. Analysis and Interpretation is done using Chi–square method & ANOVA. It was found out that people prefer a DTH service to Cable operations due to various factors such as Quality of both Video & Audio, Quality of service etc. Based on the findings, appropriate suggestions have been made for increasing the number of users.  

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A.IRIN SUTHA, L.JAYANTHI A comparative study on the various Direct-to-homes (DTH) Service providers in Chennai Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.III, Issue.VII July 2013

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