Volume : V, Issue : VIII, August - 2015

A Comparative Study on the Influence of Cannabis Abuse on Memory among Adolescents in Urban Bangalore

Anu Sebastian, Akanksha M. N, Deeksha Sridhar, Adarsh Mandanna

Abstract :

Cannabis, heroin, and Indian–produced pharmaceutical drugs are the most frequently abused drugs in India. In a comparative study of thirty – six adolescents, there were two groups were formed: abused/dependent group and normal group. Researchers compared cognitive performances using PGI Memory Scale, ten memory variables were measured. As a result of statistical analysis, Cannabis users were seen to perform significantly lower than non–users on eight variables. Cognitive deficits in cannabis users were found in remote memory, mental balances, attention and concentration, immediate, verbal retention for similar and dissimilar pairs, visual retention, recognition and overall dysfunctional rating. The results indicate the adverse effects of cannabis on the developing ain and reinforce concerns regarding the impact of early exposure.

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Anu Sebastian, Akanksha M.N, Deeksha Sridhar, Adarsh Mandanna A Comparative Study on the Influence of Cannabis Abuse on Memory Among Adolescents in Urban Bangalore Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.5, Issue : 8 August 2015

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