Volume : VII, Issue : III, March - 2017

A Comparative Study on the Assessment of Writing Skill in English at Graduate Level

Dr. V. Vennila

Abstract :

 The main focus of this research work is to find out the problem of the students in writing skill in both English and other major students at graduate level. Communicative skills can be grouped under two sections namely, Receptive skills and Productive skills. Writing involves the learner’s ability to communicate appropriately in response to a real need, which comes under the productive skill. The questionnaire is prepared with an aim of testing the second language learners writing skill through content words using descriptive methodology. It is to identify the learning problems of the students indicating the “errors” committed in relation to writing skills. The test wise distribution of the students who attended and not attended and those who gave right and wrong answers are given within quantitative analysis.

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Dr.V.Vennila, A Comparative Study on the Assessment of Writing Skill in English at Graduate Level, INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume‾7 | Issue‾3 | March‾2017

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