Volume : III, Issue : IX, September - 2013

A Comparative study on Effect of Jigsaw Puzzle Method among nursing students� academic level of performance at Oman Nursing Institute, Muscat

Mrs. Lakshmi Renganathan

Abstract :

Background: There are many studies conducted on CTL methods shows that it improves level of academic performance yet no comparative study has been done among Jigsaw puzzle method. Methods: Jigsaw Puzzle method is a CTL method was instituted for II year (162) and III year (127) General Nursing Diploma students. Quasi Experimental one group post test design was adopted. After imparting jigsaw puzzle method, the quiz was conducted for both the groups at one week interval. Effectiveness of jigsaw was assessed and compared. Results: The result indicates that the jigsaw puzzle method is effective by improving the all the student’s academic scores. However, the II year student’s performance was better than the III years. Conclusion: Henceforth, it can be concluded that Jigsaw puzzle is effective for improving the knowledge level of the nursing students.  

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Mrs. Lakshmi Renganathan A Comparative study on Effect of Jigsaw Puzzle Method among nursing students� academic level of performance at Oman Nursing Institute, Muscat Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.III, Issue.IX September 2013

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