Volume : VI, Issue : I, January - 2016

A Comparative Study of Spiritual Health across different Professions

Dr. Dipak Shukla, S. D. Sharma, Pragyendu, Shailendra Kumar Sharma

Abstract :

Spiritual health has now universally been accepted as the 4th dimension of health after earlier accepted physical, mental and social dimensions, as the basic dimensions of health. It is on account of increasing awareness about wellness, which is beyond physical fitness and good mental health of individuals. People around the world have increasingly realized the need of Spiritual health to attain best possible wellness status, irrespective of being theist or atheist and irrespective of their cast, creed, nationality, sex, age etc. Health professionals as well as common masses have increasingly felt the need of spiritual health, to attain overall wellness of people. The objective of the present research study was to measure and compare Spiritual Health scores of professionals practicing six different professions, viz, Management, Medicine, Teaching, Law, Engineering and Information Technology. To compare The Spiritual Health levels of all the participants of the current study Spiritual Health Scale (SHS– 2011) developed at National Institute of Health and Family Welfare contains 114 items, 6 constructs and 3 domains was used. From the descriptive and inferential analysis of the data collected it is clear that there exists no statistically significant difference in the Spiritual Health scores of individuals practicing Management, Medicine, Law, Engineering, Teaching and Information Technology, respectively. It was also noticed that the mean scores of Doctors (Medicine category) were slightly more when compared to the other professional groups, followed by Lawyers and Management Professionals, respectively.

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Dr. Dipak Shukla, S.D. Sharma, Pragyendu, Shailendra Kumar Sharma A Comparative Study of Spiritual Health Across Different Professions Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.6, Issue : 1 January 2016

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